18 March 2011

You Guessed It: Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

How was your St. Patties Day?

I spent mine watching the last disc of Season 2 of The Cleaner, then a marathon {can it be called a marathon with only two movies?} of Boondock Saints! I am so excited about the "rumor" that they are making #3! So many questions still need to be answered.

Oh, my! What a week this has been. One giant roller coaster {and I really don't like roller coasters...}.

For starters, I got accepted into Capella University and will start on my BS in Psychology on May 9th! I am super excited, but that excitement was short lived. Don't get me wrong, this is amazing! I've been wanting this for a few years now and I'm glad I decided to go ahead with it. Submitting that application is something I've been too afraid to do, so it was a big step to take. I am excited that in just over a month, I will be taking the first steps toward my therapist licence and PhD!

But, now I feel overwhelmed and almost regretful {okay, a lot regretful}. I know that I will get a little in financial aid, but I also know that this BS will cost me about $55,000!! Most of that is going to come out of our own pockets in the form of student loans. I do realize that I have 4 years before I have to start paying on them, but a lot can happen in the next 4 years, and we're already struggling now. I feel like I am putting another burden on Hubby's wallet. But, by the time I have a BS, the baby will be 5 and be getting ready to enter Kindergarten. The older two will be in school full time. I could probably find a part time job to help with some of that cost... Or, I can use the $500 we're paying each month on the car {which will finally be paid off next year!} to pay the loans... Or, maybe I just shouldn't worry about it right now and enjoy my move forward!

I think I suffer from a condition called Chronic Daily Headaches. I have currently had a headache since Tuesday afternoon... It wasn't so bad yesterday, and it's not too bad today, but I seem to be going to bed with them and waking up the next morning with them, too... Okay, so mine is probably caused by stress and a stiff neck, but a girl's gotta have hope, right?

The baby took his first steps last night!! Finally! He is just over 13 months now, but still so tiny. The last time I weighed him {about a month ago} he was only 15 pounds, and he hasn't grown too much since then. It's just so cute watching something so tiny walking around.

I have been crocheting like a mad woman this last week. I am making up "packets" of preemie hats to donate to NICUs around the country {will write a better post on it this coming week}. So far, I have about 10 crocheted. I have those flat rate priority mail boxes from the post office, and I'm trying to fill each medium sized one with at least 100 hats each. I could probably fit more in there, though, but we'll see. I still have a ways to go before that.

I need to finish my mom's and brother's blankets, but have mostly been working on the preemie hats and a couple other hat patterns I've found. I learned how to do a "crab stitch" {single crochet backwards} and I'm not a fan of it... The hat is gonna come out so cute, though!

We had a successful first novel swap last weekend. Sadly, I haven't worked on my novel much since then. I guess I don't possess the discipline necessary. I really need to work on that one. The characters have been quiet lately, which is probably the reason for it.

Hopefully this will be a {slightly} relaxing weekend for me. Or maybe not. I'm not sure that I really want the time to sit down and be alone with my thoughts right now.


Bill Lisleman said...

congrats on your move forward - I've always enjoyed learning. Have you check out grants for women going back to school? I've seen a local ad here for applications that were only open to women returning to school.
all the best

Jene said...

It's awesome that you're going back to school! I have a BS in psych and ended up going to grad school for sociology, instead.

Don't feel bad about the $$, it will be totally worth it in the end. I do relate to the stress 100%, though :)

Sorta Southern Single Mom said...

Good for you! I know it's expensive, but think long-term... you will give it back to you family!

The Girl was really tiny at one, too, but she's caught up and is now one of the tallest in her class...almost taller than The Boy, who is 18 months older!

Claudya Martinez said...

Be proud and happy of your accomplishment. Take a leap of faith and do not worry about what has not happened.

Amy said...

Best of luck to you in your studies. I don't think I'd have the discipline to go back to school right now, but from the sounds of your fragments, you're a good multi-tasker.