03 March 2011

Oh Baby... Boy

What were you blogging about last year at this time? What has changed?

This time last year, I was a new mommy for the 3rd time. My second baby boy was about 2 weeks old and while I don't have those old posts anymore, I'm sure most of my blog was centered around him and how the other two were adjusting. E was a new Big Brother and while he was two years old instead of one {like K was when E was born} I anticipated the same struggles she had.

When they say that going from two to three kids is easier than going from one to two, they ain't lyin'

The older two were there to entertain each other when they needed, but they were still so in love with their baby brother and so willing to help where they could

Now, a year later, that baby is a year old! The older two are 4 and 3. They go off to play and Baby is crawling right on behind them. He is slowly getting to be more independent. Life is starting to get a little easier. He is learning how to get into things and learning {not so good habits} from his brother and sister.

And, I am excited to announce that, I think, Baby J will be walking {if only a few steps} by the start of next week!

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